I had an interview yesterday with Dennis Diaz from Survival Ready Blog regarding survival shelters. I will be a speaker for the online Prepper Summit at http://www.prepperworldsummit.com/ this coming May 16th-26th. Its free to all those that attend the event at the time that it is broadcasted.
If you attend the event, please register here so that they know that you were sent by me at Colorado Mountain Man Survival!
Im not going to give the full interview away but here are some notes from a snippit of our conference.
In general, what are some of the best practices when building a primitive shelter? (location, weather protection considerations, conditions, etc.)
Building an effective shelter takes time. If you are in a situation where you are going to need a shelter, give yourself enough time before a storm rolls in or the sun goes down.
The weather conditions and the amount of time you have before it has to be completed, has a direct impact on what kind of shelter you build.
Finding a good location is very important when it comes to building a shelter.
Having the right tools with you also makes the job a lot easier but Ill talk about that later.
Stay away from:
Standing dead trees and large broken branches
Game trails
Gullies, ravines or low spots that could flood
Avalanche areas
Rock slide areas
Don’t use poisonous plants in its construction
Looks for places that have max resources:
Rocks for fire pit
Large rock formations for wind break
Enough small trees to use for your structure – don’t want to have to drag far
Leaves or lots of pine boughs for roof debris
Drinking water within reasonable walking distance if possible
Good natural canopy cover to shield from rain, snow or even sun in hot conditions
Tree break above you if in avalanche country
Position its opening to face away from prevailing winds
Thats all you get for now. I also talked about what survival gear you should have on hand that will make shelter building so much easier.
Well, thats all for now. Hope to "see" you at the event.
Oh and stay tuned for some information on our free survival shelter class coming up in May to kick off our Grande Opening for us opening the Sigma 3 Survival School chapter here in Colorado.