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3 Day Modern Survival Class

Difficulty: Intermediate

When: August 3-5 2020   - Start Time 9am


“You’ve got the gear; now get the skills”


This class is scenario based and designed for the individual looking to gain a solid foundation of knowledge before venturing into the backcountry or taking any of our advanced class.   At our Colorado survival school, we focus on basic outdoor and modern survival skills necessary to enjoy a wilderness adventure with confidence.  This class is heavy on practical skills culminating in a field exercise.

This class will aid those who feel that in a survival situation they will most likely have the gear and equipment they need. It has been our experience that many people either do not have all the necessary lifesaving equipment or they lack the knowledge to use it. Our 3 Day Modern Survival Course will teach you what gear to take and how to use it effectively in any survival situation.


Our first day consists of a brief discussion about wilderness risk assessment and management, avoiding emergency situations, carrying the right gear and understanding the priorities of survival.  Next we’ll teach some common and practical knots and other skills that we deem important to know during a true survival situation.  Lastly we’ll discuss the selection and care our most  commonly used tools or gear!  


The next two days will consist of a field exercise where you will be forced to decide what is your most important gear and how to handle a survival situation while still remaining in a safe and controlled environment.    We believe that exposure and practical use of your modern tools is the best way to determine which components work best for you.


Just some of the things students will learn:


•   Priorities of survival and using modern methods, to determine priorities.

•   What to put in your survival kit.

•   Building shelters temporary and permanent using modern materials such as tarps, tents, paracord as well as establishing a secure perimeter with early warning devices.

•   Fire making using modern methods such as electric, fire starters, magnesium and other devices.

•   Water purification and collection methods using modern equipment and improvised devices.

•   Signaling and modern forms of communication and methods of signaling for help.


Survival Priorities - We will use the Rule of 3’s and the Methods of Heat Loss to formulate a survival plan; using a light weight kit  to maintain our core body temperature.  The importance of a Positive Mental Attitude will be highlighted and students will discuss some things they do in the backcountry to maintain their morale.  

Fire - Using our knowledge of survival priorities and our understanding of how our bodies lose heat we contrast a practical, efficient survival fire with the modern-day camping fire ring.   We will be using our knives and primitive tools that we made in ways most people have never seen a knife used.  Splitting firewood for tender, dropping small trees and shaving feather sticks are a few of the tasks we’ll be working on.  Practice multiple methods of modern fire starting including modern day ferro rods. We’ll also be making a number of primary ignition source fire starters from readily available materials and you’ll have enough to stock your kit!

Basics of Survival
Basics of Survival Pine Needle Tea
Basics of Survival Knots

Shelter - We will contrast primitive bushcraft shelters using natural materials

with modern survival shelters quickly constructed with things like tarps,

trash bags and ponchos.  These items and more will be demonstrated with students having time to experiment on their own.  

Water - Water is critical to thermo-regulation and to maintaining a positive mental attitude. Students will learn about various waterborne pathogens and then experiment with various modern purifiers and filters.  Pine needles will be identified and collected then added to boiling water to make tea.  We will discuss modern water purifiers and show you some clever ways to boil water with your canteen cup or stainless steel bottle.

Food - Food isn’t a survival priority but it’s great for your positive mental attitude!  We will discuss back-country nutrition and make our meals over the campfire.


The 2nd day and 3rd day,  will consist of a practical field scenario which will allow the student to demonstrate their competency and ability to understand and respond to adverse situations.   The students will then individually demonstrate their ability to build a survival shelter, processing wood into a survival fire, lighting the fire with fire starters made on Day 2 then obtain and perform other standard survival tasks.


This class is appropriate for all skills levels and even the most seasoned outdoorsman will likely learn some tips and tricks.   Completion of this class gives you a huge CONFIDENCE BOOST.

Modern Survival Camp

Minimum Recommended Equipment:

  • Overnight camping gear to include shelter and sleeping bag.

  • Fixed Blade Full Tang Knife

  • Folding Saw

  • Paracord

  • Food (Plenty of time will be given to prepare meals on site)

  • Flashlight

  • Canteen

  • Outdoor clothing and wet weather gear


Check Recommended Items List for more details!



Food and Water: 

Water will be provided but you will need to provide your own food of your choice. We recommend quick field expedient meals such as freeze dried meals or MRE’s. They can quickly be made at our primitive camps and won’t slow down the learning process. You can also purchase food locally once you get here. Grocery Stores and several local eateries are within a reasonable driving distance.


Length: 3 days/2 nights


Instructor: Jason Marsteiner



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